Premium Forums

Ask the Insiders
+ ModeratorsMembers-only for Premium subscribers. Ask (mostly football) questions of the BSB Staff, the experts and others!
by: buckeyes08

Huntington Level Hoops Board
+ ModeratorsA place where Scout club subscribers can discuss basketball and read subscription-only news, analysis and tidbits from experts.
by: montgocm
Ticket X-Change
+ ModeratorsA forum exclusive for premium subscribers looking to buy, sell, trade or exchange tickets.
by: jwall1109
Off-Topic Premium Board
+ ModeratorsMembers-only board for off-topic discussions including movies, TVs, music, where to stay in Vegas, etc. Pretty much anything besides OSU football and basketball with one notable exception: Political discussions and any posts/threads regarding religion are strictly prohibited.
by: VanWertBuckeye
OSU Sports Forums

+ ModeratorsCome here to talk about issues surrounding OSU football.

Buckeye Recruiting Board
+ ModeratorsWanna talk recruiting? Here's the place... make sure to read the rules before posting.
by: LRRPS21

The Schott
+ ModeratorsCome here to discuss issues surrounding Ohio State basketball. Same board rules apply as the football forum.
by: DZ83CK

Buckeye Olympic Sports
+ ModeratorsCome here to discuss Ohio State sports other than OSU football and basketball!
by: trinitytex

The Rivalry Board
+ ModeratorsNot for the thin skinned or weak at heart. This is a smack talking board where Ohio State fans and fans of our opponents can debate in a war of words.
by: WeDontGiveADamn

Inside The Huddle- X's and O's
+ ModeratorsThis a forum where fans can talk X's and O's. You are the coach and you can discuss strategy with other fans.
by: BobLobla
Off-Topic Forums

The Nut House
+ ModeratorsThis is our general discussion forum for topics other than OSU sports can be discussed.
by: psualum89

Ohio Prep Board
+ ModeratorsThe great state of Ohio has a number of great athletes and not all of them can be Buckeyes. This forum is to discuss Ohio High School athletics.
by: JacketsOnThePowerPlay

Ohio Professional Sports
+ ModeratorsCome here to talk Browns, Bengals, Indians, Cavs, Reds, Blue Jackets... any pro team within the borders of the state of Ohio! Same rules apply as the football forum.
by: BuckeyeDaJuiceMan
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